Oh my god my cutie's coming to town!And for those who don't know who he is,he's none other than Wang li Hong!I'm bout to die of happiness already!Any people out there wanna go watch his concert!I'm gonna start saving for it already!Nomore crazy eating sprees time.=)
Who said life in Jc is boring and retarded?Alright maybe it's retarded,but definitely not boring.Last week after being branded gay by some teacher,after being caught for using the staff toilet,one would have thought it couldn't get any better.Today,after being caught with dominic for not doing geography tutorials,we're officially lecturers for tomorrow's lecture.Filled with endless sarcasm,"You guys must think you're too good for tutorials eh?Well then you're gonna lecture tomorrow's lecture then!"Wonder what's in store next week,or the weeks after,life's pretty exciting around school,can't deny that.
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